Dance is for everyone!

Education & Engagement

Dance is for everyone!

Introdans pursues and develops dance activities for people in all walks of life. We are at the forefront of inclusion in the performing arts in the Netherlands and worldwide, and have been for over twenty years, with great pleasure, conviction, and ambition. Every year, in addition to our regular programme of performances, we have the opportunity to get another 20,000 people involved with our educational and interactive projects for students, young people, local residents, people with barriers to employment, vulnerable elderly or people with mental or physical disabilities. From June 2021 to December 2024, we will be organizing various Education & Engagement projects under the umbrella of Het Grote Verbindingsplan or The Great Connection Plan.

Our Education & Engagement projects are categorized in four domains: Society, Education, Leisure, and Artistic Development. We work together with various partners such as healthcare organization SWOA, the Scalabor labor development company, De Onderwijsspecialisten, Studio VRij, Liemerije, DrieGasthuizenGroep, Theatre Workshop Kazou and Siza.

“My dream is to see an accumulation of all kinds of people, coming together on stage and as in the audience as spectators.”
Adriaan Luteijn – Artistic Initiator Interaction & Inclusion


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  • Onderwijs

Dance Special 2024: In da House and On Stage

Introdans is a proud leader in connecting worlds, and with this unique concept together with De Onderwijsspecialisten. Read more about Dance Special 2024: In da House and On Stage.

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  • Maatschappij

Golden Moves 2024

Attention elderly residents of Arnhem: Dance into spring with Golden Moves!

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  • Maatschappij

Introdans Visits 2024

In the spring of 2024, we organized several Introdans visits, in collaboration with care homes Driegasthuizengroep and Liemerije. Even if you are less mobile or in a wheelchair: dancing is for everyone!

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  • Maatschappij

Course: Dance Positivity 2024

The successful Introdans course to get acquainted with the art of dance, engaging body, heart, and mind.

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  • Artistic Development

Introdans VRtuoso VRtual

Introdans VRtuoos VRtueel (VRtuoso VRtual) is an interactive VR dance experience for everyone. Using VR headsets and virtual reality technology – a fantastic medium that offers a world of new possibilities – we connect the body to the digital (dance) world. This is how we stimulate, activate and inspire people physically and creatively.

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  • Education

Do you want to date us?

Introdans and schools in Gelderland and Overijssel have established a sustainable partnership of two years. In twelve weekly meetings, the Introdans teachers work with school teachers and two groups of students on a dazzling dance presentation.

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  • Onderwijs

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Dance Special 2024: In da House and On Stage

  • Maatschappij

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Golden Moves 2024

  • Maatschappij

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Introdans Visits 2024

  • Maatschappij

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Course: Dance Positivity 2024

  • Artistic Development

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Introdans VRtuoso VRtual

  • Education

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