
Large-scale youth production with dance, theatre and music


About Paradiso!

Large-scale youth production with dance, theatre and music

In the weekend of 5, 6 and 7 May 2023, in six sold-out performances, almost 1200 visitors were carried away to Dante’s Paradiso! Together with a large group of young amateur players, dancers and musicians from Arnhem, Introdans, Theater Oostpool, Phion and Musis & Stadstheater created a contemporary adaptation of one of the most famous books in world literature: Dante’s Paradiso.


The concept and overall direction of Paradiso! was done by Adriaan Luteijn (Introdans) and Char Li Chung (Theater Oostpool). The choreography is by Chantal de Vries (Introdans), musical leader is Joost Smeets (Phion) and Char Li Chung also signed for the direction of the theatre parts. Playwright Vera Morina made an adaptation of the text.

Premiere: May 5th, 2023
Playtime: until May 7th, 2023
All locations: Arnhem

About Paradiso!

700 years after the death of Dante Alighieri, his book The Divine Comedy is still being read. To this day, many readers and artists are inspired by his work. Introdans, Theater Oostpool, Phion and Musis & Stadstheater focused on the optimistic and wonderful last part: Paradiso. The Devine Comedy is a poem in three parts about a journey through hell (Inferno) and purgatory (Purgatorio) to paradise (Paradiso). Paradise is seen as a place where life is wonderful, where abundance reigns and there is no disease, disaster or death. An ideal place to stay. Sometimes this means the earthly paradise, the Garden of Eden, sometimes the heavenly paradise (heaven). In the performance Paradiso! spectators experience the interpretation of the players’ paradise.

Music Paradiso!
We put all the music used for Paradiso! in a playlist on Spotify for you to listen.

Special cast

The variegated cast of Paradiso! existed of 64 dancers, musicians, and actors between the age of 15 – 25, coming from all corners of Eastern Netherlands. Each one of them are talented youngsters with and without experience in all sorts of disciplines: from amateur theatre to interdisciplinary performance art, from hiphop to classical ballet. From saxophone to marimba and from baroque to modern music.

The show will was performed on May 5, (premiere), May 6 and May 7.


Cast Abel Priem, Ahlam El Janati, Alexander Plomp, Anne-Roos Ruiter, Bettina Staaks, Bram Kuipers, Castor Smiet, Colyn Jonker, Dionne Vasmeer, Donne van Voorthuijsen, Dynn Koffy, Elizabeth Wenting, Esmee van Sonsbeek, Evie Wolleswinkel, Firiel Werners, Floris van Broekhoven, Freke van Krimpen, Gin Ivy, Hannah Rica Angeles, Inge Mulder, Iris Dijkstra, Jakob Holl, Jannes Teusink, Jasper Menkhorst, Jelte Eenhoorn, Josien Legters, Julia Weekers, Julliette Bökkerink, Juul Claassen, Leen Verhoeven,
Leon Hans, Lieke Bongers, Liselle Moltman, Liza Roekevisch, Luca Holthuis, Madelon van der Heijden, Marinus Hondeveld, Mark Scholten, Marley Meijer, Marwa Bouazzati, Meike van Els, Merle Doesburg, Mikal van Ee, Niels Esveld, Nina van Iperen, Raven Verbruggen, Sacha van Spijk, Sam Willemsen, Shay Korblet, Sjoerd Haver, Sophie Capelle, Svenja Korevaar, Tessa Wiggers, Teun Broeder, Thijs van Beelen, Thomas Maris, Tobias Bruel, Veerle van Horssen, Vera Lagerwey, Wendy Schaap, Wouter Kuster, Yentl Pattynama-Ras, Yp Janssen, Zita Verbeeck
Concept & overall direction Adriaan Luteijn (Introdans) en Char Li Chung (Theater Oostpool)
Choreography Chantal de Vries (Introdans)
Theatre direction Char Li Chung (Theater Oostpool)
Musical leader Joost Smeets (Phion)
Text Vera Morina
Musical concept Monique Wijnker (Phion)
Arrangements Toek Numan
Costume idea & styling Leila el Alaoui
Realisation costumes Femke van Neerven, Charlotte Smit, Helma Jansen
Light design Maarten van den Berg (Introdans)
Organisation Marti Arts (Theater Oostpool), Evalia Zilverschoon (Musis & Stadstheater Arnhem), Monique Wijnker (Phion)
Final production Björn Sluiter (Introdans)
Assistant to the conductor Sjoerd Haver
Intern / assistant Kirsten Hondorp (ArtEZ Dans)
Intern / assistant Wout van Veenendaal (ArtEZ Spel)
With the cooperation of the dance school Urban and Show Allround of Rijn IJssel / Studio26.
Paradiso! is a coproduction of Introdans, Theater Oostpool, Phion Orkest van Gelderland & Overijssel and Musis & Stadstheater Arnhem.

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