Theatre director Charles Droste about Introdans
Charles Droste has been the director of Amphion Theatre in Doetinchem for sixteen years. He explains why he has never skipped a performance of Introdans.
Text Jos Schuring | Photo Sander Nagel
“Look, you can win a stage once or maybe an entire Tour, but Introdans has been consistently good for years. That’s incredibly clever.”
“Usually they dance, sometimes four times a season at our theatre. What surprises me is that the company has always continued to develop. Their programs are varied and always of a high level. Their DNA is unchanged: quality, versatility, visually attractive and audience-oriented. The family programs are also beautiful. They never squat in front of a young audience, which I think is very strong.
Introdans remains exciting and innovative. Whether it concerns the choreographies, the stage image or the composition of the company, there is always dynamism and movement. Roel and Ton are great in attracting the right people. Not only choreographers, but also dancers. Introdans is one of the pillars of our programming. It is great that for years about six hundred people have come to an Introdans performance with us. I like being a host, but that’s extra fun at Introdans. The audience really feels like they’re having a night out. Everyone looks well-groomed and is visibly enjoying their night.
In the past decades, Introdans was a first introduction to contemporary dance for many visitors. Introdans has made the repertoire of great Western choreographers accessible to theater audiences throughout the country. The other companies mainly focus on new repertoire by their own choreographers. Introdans makes repertoire accessible in regional theaters that would otherwise hardly have access to it. Because there is a consistent focus on young audiences, they create a basic appreciation for dance for entire generations. I always find the performances with live music just that little bit more beautiful because then two beautiful disciplines come together and the music enhances the image even more. That touches me even more.”

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