
General information

Visiting and postal address:
Vijfzinnenstraat 82
6811 LN Arnhem
The Netherlands

Phone +31(0)26-3512111

Theatres & press

Lonneke Koelemaij


Janet Schuring-Aarts van den Berg


Jamy Schinkelshoek

Friends of Introdans

Esmée van den Akker

Contact form

Do you have a question or do you want to share something with us? Please contact us through the contact form below. Prefer to contact us directly? This is possible via +31(0)26-3512111 or


How do I find the Introdans building?

Our building is located at 82 Vijfzinnenstraat in Arnhem, within walking distance of Arnhem Central Station. Are you visiting us by bike or car? Follow the signs to Arnhem Central Station. The station is located at the Utrechtsestraat. The Vijfzinnenstraat runs parallel to this and is located between the Rhine and Utrechtsestraat. Signposts mention Introdans. The nearest parking facility is Parkeergarage Centraal, next to Arnhem Central Station.

Visiting Introdans is only possible by appointment. Would you like to take a look inside our studios? Our teachers are happy to guide you during a look behind the scenes at Introdans.

When do the tickets sale for Introdans performances start?

Tickets for our performances are sold through the theatres. They decide when it is possible to order tickets. As a result, the date on which ticket sales start can also differ per theater. Consult the website of the theatre in your area for current information. In our agenda you will find a complete overview of our performance dates.

How do I order my tickets?

Tickets for our performances are sold through the theatres. The start of ticket sales can also differ per theatre. In our agenda you will find a complete overview of our performance dates. Do you have a question about ticket sales? Please contact the relevant theatre.

Can I get a discount on my ticket?

Many theatres offer a discount on tickets for children, young people or people who own a CJP pass. Also, some theatres accept local discount passes. Contact the theatre near you for current information.

I have received an invitation from Introdans with a personal access code. How do I reserve my tickets?

If you have received an invitation for a premiere via Introdans, you can reserve your tickets via Introdans instead of via the relevant theatre. Enter your personal code via and complete the reservation process. Do you have questions about your reservation? Please contact us via +31(0)26-3512111 or

I am in a wheelchair or I am using a walker, can I visit a performance?

Most theatres are easily accessible for people who experience difficulty walking. We recommend that you contact the relevant theatre before your visit, so that the theatre staff can guide and advise you during your visit.

What should I do if a performance is canceled due to circumstances?

If a performance cannot take place due to circumstances, the theatre where you bought the ticket will contact you as soon as possible. The theatre will also inform ou about a possible new date or the refund of your payment. We advise you to contact the theatre concerned if you have any questioons about a canceled or rescheduled performance, or if you want to cancel your tickets.

Can I take photos or videos during a performance of Introdans?

It is not allowed to take photos or videos during the performance. We therefore request that you switch off your smartphone or set it to ‘silent’ mode. This way all visitors will be able to enjoy the performance undisturbed and fully. Photos or videos may be taken during the final bow of the dancers. We would love it if you let us know what you thoguht of the performance via social media!

How do I know which music Introdans uses in the performances?

You will find an overview of the credits for each performance, including the music credits, on the programma page on our website. Introdans does not sell CDs or DVDs with sound or video recordings of the perfromance. Take a look at our webshop for the current range of Introdans products.

How do I become a dancer at Introdans?

Our dancers have completed an academic dance training. We will organize an audition if there are any places available in the dancer ensemble. We will announce this via our social media channels and our newsletter.

We regularly organize projects in which amateur dancers can participate. Everyone can dance! In that case, we will announce this via our social media channels and our newsletter as well.

How do I become a volunteer at Introdans?

Introdans is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers. Would you like to welcome our visitors to one of our performances, help during an Open Day and tell te story of Introdans? Send your CV and a short motivation to

How do I send an invoice to Introdans?

We prefer to receive invoices digitally, via

Please address the invoice to:
Stichting Introdans
Vijfzinnenstraat 82
6811 LN Arnhem
The Netherlands

IBAN | NL57 RABO 0152859098
VAT | NL003878958B01
Chamber of Commerce | 41046140
RISN/tax number | 003878958

Get involved

Do you enjoy our shows and activities full of beauty and inspiration? We also want to keep moving for many generations in the future. Make this possible together with us and contribute as a Friend of Introdans or connect as a business partner.

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