Sabine van Riel

Sabine is 25 years old and lives in Roosendaal. Sabine has two jobs, she works at Festina Lente and at Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri.

At Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri she spends three days a week developing her theater and dance skills. In the seven years that she has worked at Tiuri, she has participated in many projects and productions, such as: The last hour of, mud and Tiuri vs. Tiuri.

In the 2021-2022 season, she toured the Netherlands as a dancer with Compagnie 21, Tiuri’s traveling company, with the performance No Bodies, led by choreographer Jordy Dik.

Sabine is a people person and therefore likes to be in contact with her colleagues. She has turned her hobby into her job because she loves acting and dancing. But also of colours, writing and walking in nature. She doesn’t sit still at home because she likes to help her mother with all kinds of chores such as folding and hanging the laundry, ironing and cooking. She can really relax by watching a movie or series, reading a book on her tablet or playing Candy Crush.